
First Post

In April this year I applied to be the Digital Writer in Residence for the Bath Spa Business School. My application was late and the sample was not my best work, I didn’t feel confident but it was such a good opportunity. I thought that the worst-case scenario was that I would never hear about it again and since that would defiantly happen if I didn’t apply, I went for it, shaky submission in tow. In May I was fortunate enough to be accepted.

            I was thrilled and terrified and very surprised.

            Since then myself, the organisers and the blogging team have been working hard on the first post. The full run doesn’t begin until late September when the academic year begins again but the first post, a teaser for the upcoming story, is now live.


            I’m so happy with how it has come out and I can’t wait to hear what you think. Working on this has been a great time and I hope that the coming year will be just as enjoyable and that we will produce some amazing work.


Thank you for your time

Heather Livings